Guest comments

  • Lyn and Paul Santina

    Paul and I would like to thank you for a terrific Wine Experience. Paul is far more knowledgeable than I about...

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  • Patricia and Jaques Khoriaty

    We arrived here at your lovely Chateau really not knowing what to expect. You are both so professional, knowledgeable, kind and...

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  • Joe Parisi

    You are such exquisite hosts and you have made this a most memorable week for my father and me. Ronald your...

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  • Veronica and Alberto Carregha

    This has been a great experience! It’s just the best idea we’ve ever had, even we didn’t have a clear idea...

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  • Al Parisi

    Visiting wineries and wine tasting can be too often predictable and routine. Ronald you have made the experience enjoyable, entertaining and...

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  • Collin and Carol Hong

    Thank you so much for your warm touch and the way you carefully planned our trips, the exceptional meals and visits....

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  • Tom and Lisa Gibson

    Thank you both for an exceptionally wonderful time in Bordeaux. What made our time here such an unexpected pleasure was the...

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  • Ronald and Charles Davis

    Dear Margaret and Ronald (I love the name Ronald), It has been a great pleasure knowing and being with the both...

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  • Jack and Jane Novick

    We came with very high expectations and anticipations and The Bordeaux Wine Experience surpassed everything we hoped for. Margaret was a...

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  • Ludmilla Kohut

    Thank you both so much for a wonderful Bordeaux Wine Experience!   Ludmilla Kohut Toronto, Ontario, Canada (The Bordeaux Grand Cru...

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  • Michael Fieldhouse and Nicole Fang

    Thank you very much for a fantastic, educational, fun and entertaining wee! Your knowledge, welcoming personalities and contacts at chateaux were...

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  • David Vasiljevič and Janez Račič

    Thank you for your hospitality and the perfect Wine Tour in Bordeaux. It was our first visit to Bordeaux and we...

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  • Ian and Stéphanie Champagne

    La semaine passée avec vous fut comme une rêve! Merci de votre acceuil chaleureux, de votre passion à partager l’amour du...

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  • David and Faye Tan

    It has been a truly fabulous week – we have learnt lots, enjoyed so many delicious meals and unforgettable wines. And...

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  • John and April van Vlaardingen

    Your Tour and hospitality were fabulous! We had very high expectations for a trip we would celebrate our 10-year wedding anniversary...

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  • Jim & Katie Crotty

    Thank you for providing an experience, which will assure our honeymoon memories last forever. We learned so much about wine, Bordeaux...

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  • Paul & Margaret Anderson & Stephen & Barbara Mackenzie

    This has been a wine experience of a lifetime! The Irish contingent hopefully added to the «blend» from which we think...

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  • Don & Sandy Goodman

    Dear Margaret & «Uncle Ron»,The Bordeaux Wine Experience is indeed «FABULOUS». It rates 100 on the revered «Don & Sandy» scale!!...

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  • Dave & Kristina Mazaika

    Thank you for leading us in such an enjoyable and unique experience. We’ve completely loved every minute. Your love of wines...

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  • Eric & Linda Lenczner

    We had a wonderful week. Each day brought new and more interesting experiences. The balance that was each day and which...

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  • John & Rachelle Yoxall

    I had hoped to write in this guest book without reading everyone else’s kind & honest & complementary words first, to...

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  • Albert and Sandy Mills

    This was almost the best trip that we have ever taken (except for Bora Bora!). All educational experiences should be as...

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  • Barbara and Marcus Pinto

    How can we express our thanks! Everything was perfect and exceeded our expectations! Of course we were amazed with the wine...

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  • Jim and Kathy Panepinto

    Thank you for a wonderful week of wine tasting, fine cuisine and touring Bordeaux. We enjoyed Ronald’s expertise, sense of humor...

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  • Low Sung Leong & Laurence Low

    We enjoyed ourselves tremendously this week: thank you for opening your beautiful home to us and the wonderful planning and execution...

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  • Neil and Rachel Devchand

    We would like to express our gratitude to both you and Margaret for the hospitality you both provided during our visit...

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  • Jody & Noel Littlejohns

    It is indeed «in the details» as you have so gracefully shown us over and over –from the beautiful flowers in...

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  • Kevin and Mairead Smith

    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Simply the best, an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. Your hospitality and friendship, added...

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  • Bill and Dot Hagman

    We are honored to join the ranks of your alumni. It was a most memorable week for both of us. I...

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  • Brian and Karen Aungst

    We can’t wait to share our amazing experience with everyone at home. Everything was absolutely perfect -your beautiful home and gracious hospitality,...

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  • Mark and Ann Danner

    After living in Paris, we loved France. But after touring Bordeaux and staying at your beautiful Chateau, this will be forever...

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  • Simon and Barb Smith

    What fun we had on The Bordeaux Wine Experience. You certainly were wonderful hosts. I am sure your family will not...

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  • Lisa and Mark Locklear

    We chose the Bordeaux Wine Experience to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary and to learn more about the wines in the...

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  • Robert and Michelle McKinlay

    Having enjoyed Bordeaux Wines for many years now, we had our eyes opened! To see the chateaux, to understand wine making,...

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  • Satu Salo-Bosley

    “Deze tour is een uitzonderlijke beleving geweest. Het was fantastisch om de fijne wijnen met jullie en de anderen op de...

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  • Aaron and Tricia Schneider

    This tour has exceeded our expectations across our senses of taste, smell and sight. Each Chateau brought a unique perspective in the...

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  • Foster and Patricia Manning

    This has been an exceptional week. During these 5 days we have gained a marvelous insight into Bordeaux wines through Ronald’s generous...

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  • Richard and Linda Marcks

    Thank you again for a marvellous experience. It was very educational and at the same time a refined and elegant way...

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  • Leila and Eude da Costa

    This program was so much better than we expected. Specially me, Leila, I have learned things about grapes, wine French culture...

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  • Kelly and Peter Alward

    Our Bordeaux visit was unforgettable! Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. We will forever have fond memories of your beautiful home and...

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  • Elizabeth and Fritz Viner

    From the time we left our home, until the time we left your home, expectations were met in every way. May...

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  • Lee and Kazi Alward

    We had high expectations for this trip and felt a bit uncomfortable having brought two couples along. Our high expectations were...

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  • Liza and Fritz Gubler

    Thank you for welcoming us to your beautiful Chateau and sharing your passion for wine and food. We had a marvellous...

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  • Nancy Shaw and Alan Strachnan

    We had an exceptional experience and will cherish the memories from our week with both of you. We appreciate the level of...

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  • Rich and Liz Seftor

    Thank you! You have created “The Ultimate Bordeaux Wine Experience!” We appreciated your incredible expertise and the wonderful warmth you both...

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  • Steve and Wendy Daknis

    Thank you for your warm hospitality. This week has been a time of learning, a time of enjoyment and a time...

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  • Don and Carol Clark

    Thanks so much for an absolutely wonderful week. Everything was superb: the wine, the food, the accommodations at Chateau Coulon Laurensac,...

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  • Mary Ann and Bob Ogden

    We so enjoyed our Bordeaux Wine Experience under your experienced leadership! We learned so much and it was such fun! You’ve...

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  • John and Sonya Wise

    Every aspect of this trip was wonderful. We had high expectations for the trip – which were exceeded in every way....

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  • Gordon and Heather Frankland

    Your “Wine Experience” has been a WOW!!! Experience. Every small detail has been thought of. The experience has been blended with...

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  • Art and Debbie Kelley

    We sincerely thank you for giving us the most memorable experience we could ever imagine with Bordeaux wines. This will forever...

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  • John and Nancy Scruggs

    Nancy and I have been blessed to travel to many places in the world. Rarely if ever have we been welcomed...

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  • Gwyn Singleton and Collin Pearson

    This week in Bordeaux has been a fantastic introduction for us to the great wines of Bordeaux. The visit was delightful...

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  • Irwin Schwarz and Natasha Engan

    What a pleasure! We arrived expecting to quench our thirsts and are leaving with the satisfaction of having spoiled our pallets....

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  • Allan and Gina Keefe

    This last week has been an amazing time. Our goal was to learn about the wines of Bordeaux, eat some great...

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  • Dan and Mary Huntsman

    Thanks for an incredible week. Every day exceeded the day before. We learned so much in addition to getting to taste...

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  • Glenn and Toni Gray

    Thank you so much for a wonderful Bordeaux Experience. Rarely are our expectations met, but let alone exceeded. You both truly...

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  • Pat and Patty Gray

    You uncorked the mystery of Bordeaux Wine to us. We came as novices and leave as relative experts thanks to your...

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  • Mark Jocks and Vickie Coury

    When we originally talked of experiencing France and Bordeaux we hoped to increase our knowledge and appreciation of the country and...

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  • Rob and Melanie Brunner

    To our gracious hostess and host, We had no idea how much knowledge and spirit of wine tasting and wine making...

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  • John and Kylie Che

    This a great experience for both myself and Kylie. I am really impressed by the attention to detail of both the...

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  • Sandra Poe and Rebecca Zagoory

    Merci Beaucoup, you have created a stress less time for us. It means so much, to both of us, not to...

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  • Cesare and Carolyn Tacchi

    We’ve just come back to Toronto and woke up way too early (!) and to assuage our regret that the vacation...

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  • Richard Clegg and Anna Rizova

    It has been a beautiful week; an escape from the daily routine and a reflection of humanity. We have had a...

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  • Huai-Tei Yang and Violet Lin

    Thank you very much for everything. This Wine Experience Tour is the best ever! Thank you again for everything. How shall...

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  • Graeme and Jane Cassell

    How do I start? This week has been one of the most memorable that we have ever experienced. Your knowledge and...

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  • Barry and Gaynor Cook

    Gaynor and I would like to sincerely thank you and Margaret for a truly memorable Bordeaux wine experience. You were both...

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  • Jill and Ian Winter

    What a fantastic time Ian and I have had. This is a trip Ian has wanted to do for two years...

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  • Maureen McNicolas

    This experience is one of the most memorable I’ve had. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to visit France...

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  • Dale and Theresa Griffin

    This has been a wonderful way to spend our anniversary; one we will certainly never forget. You both have made this...

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  • Michael Demnicki and Tammy Digioia

    What a wonderful experience you both provide! You’ve opened our eyes to a whole new world of wine and culture. We...

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  • Lauren and Simon Webb

    Thank you so much for helping me realize Simon’s dream and his 40th birthday. From the minute I started planning this...

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  • Jim and Linda Foy

    What a wonderful week: great wine, wonderful food and truly unforgettable people. We thank you for your warm hospitality. Jim and...

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  • Dom and Susan Stanzione

    Words cannot express what a wonderful time Dom and I had over these past few days. Your hospitality is amazing. We...

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  • TY, Nancy and May

    Thank you so much for your great hospitality and professionalism in bringing us a wonderful and knowledgeable holiday. No doubt Bordeaux...

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  • Ane and Wayne Small

    We had really looked forward to this trip ever since we booked it last October. And we had high expectations for...

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  • Lonnly Ching and Wendi Chen

    Wendi and I of course were disappointed when we learned that we weren’t able to visit Lafite (exceptional early harvest) and...

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  • Juan Torres

    It was a dream come true! I have been trying to visit the chateaux for a while, but now I am...

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  • Marianne Coburn and Randall Harris

    Marianne and I arranged to join your Bordeaux Wine Tour because we enjoy wine and the possibility to experience a taste...

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  • Sharada and Donald Alducin

    We want to thank you for your wonderful hospitality in your beautiful chateau. We both enjoyed the incredible Tour and experience...

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  • Peter and Teresa Crage

    Teresa and I enjoyed ourselves immensely. The time we have spent here at your home will be a collection of fond...

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  • Bing and Bo Yoo

    Bo and I would like to thank you and at the same time compliment you as a couple for helping us...

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  • Mark Hampton and Adrian Amiri

    A little bit of heaven in Bordeaux -mixed lightly with warmth, hospitality, laughter and wine! What a perfect combination –and we...

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  • Lou and Marcella Pellicano

    You warmth and hospitality will always be remembered. Thank you Ronald for teaching us so much. I feel that I can...

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  • Andrea Burke and Casey Bracher

    Thank you so much for opening your home to us and making us feel welcome in Bordeaux. We have wanted to...

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  • Robert and Patricia Van Dusen

    Each day a new adventure… Each day grateful for what we have experienced in Bordeaux. Thank you for a wonderful week....

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  • Joyce Hamel and Bonnie Burns

    Your home, your hospitality and your company were delightful. We so enjoyed every minute of our stay because of your tremendous...

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  • Mahesh and Rashmi Patel

    Thank you for making us very welcome at your home and the incredible experience with wonderful food and wines. Your knowledge...

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  • Bernadette McNamara

    Thank you so much for a wonderful wine tour of Bordeaux. Before I came I knew little about French wines. I...

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  • Theo and Monique Evangelakos

    On behalf of Theo and me, I thank you so much for making our wine tour week a wonderful one that...

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  • Peter and Jane Thompson

    We have just enjoyed our Bordeaux Wine Experience so much. The organization has been wonderful. All the Chateaux you chose to...

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  • Prue and Ross Manners

    We’ve enjoyed everything about the wine tour, especially: How we were made to feel welcome. How we were very comfortable with...

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  • Linda and Ken Herrell

    We thank you for your generous hospitality and gracious home. And Ronald, your guidance and insight into both “the French” and...

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  • Diann and Jim Gross

    Thank you so much for the wonderful experience. You made us feel so welcome in your beautiful chateau. We came to...

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  • Steven Bigras and Beth Heinze

    Thank you for your kind and generous hospitality. This was truly an experience of a lifetime, one we will remember fondly...

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  • Nikolas and Kira Novak

    As a travel agent, knowing the travel industry from inside, we’re familiar with the policies of the travel sector. Sometimes it...

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  • Ainsley Clement and Tom Burmeister

    Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality. This has been a true life experience. The wine, the food and companionship...

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  • Yien Yeo

    You have done the world a great service by giving so many people this wonderful Bordeaux experience. It has exceeded all...

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  • Rob and Adele Kelly

    Adele and I had a wonderful experience –wine, food, lodging, transportation were all first rate. We couldn’t imagine a better guide...

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  • Amrit and Suraj Vij

    We have thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Many of the information can be got from books and tapes, however all the little...

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  • Dale and Willa Holmer

    This has been an unforgettable experience –or should I see a series of unforgettable experience! Every day presented a new aspect...

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  • Sant and Linda Tulsi

    We thought we were joining a wine tour in Bordeaux. It has been much, much more than that. We have not...

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  • Marcy Mackless

    Thank you so much for your hospitality and opening your home to us. What a great Experience! Something I won’t forget...

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  • Stephanie Picardi

    Thank you for welcoming me into your home and for hosting me in the fabulous Bordeaux region! I look forward to...

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  • Steve and Sandy Wellen

    Thank you for a wonderful week. This our second visit with you and it gets better each time! Not only is...

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  • Tim Lewis

    Thanks for the great time in Bordeaux! I was seeking an opportunity that would provide a Wine Experience in Bordeaux to...

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  • Leonna and Jeff Mote

    Thank you both for orchestrating such a memorable and worldly experience. Your knowledge and insights into Bordeaux made us feel like...

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  • Holly Harris and Bob Klat

    Bob and I want to thank you so much for making our Bordeaux Wine Experience so enjoyable. From the moment we...

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  • Tony and Janet Sabatino

    Sincere thanks for a wonderful time. You guys created the true Bordeaux Wine Experience for us and truly brought it to...

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  • Robert and Patricia Van Dusen

    Each day a new adventure… Each day grateful for what we have experienced in Bordeaux. Thank you for a wonderful week. All the...

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  • Tommie and Jack Desmond

    What a fabulous time we had on our Harvest Food and Wine Experience! We learned so much about Bordeaux wine and...

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  • Paulo & Friends

    Thank you for the amazing and adorable experience of sharing with us this incredible and pleasant week in the wine world,...

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  • Scott and Susan Brodie

    WOW! What an incredible experience these past days have provided us! The food, the wine, the stories on the bus, all...

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  • Richard and Angelika Stinson

    Richard and I have been anticipating this trip for a long time and yet we sit here in amazement and completely...

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  • Sharon and Arch Wells

    Arch and I had a fantastic week with you. We know it must be hard to please a group of people,...

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  • Nicolas and Patricia Johnson

    This has been a truly wonderful Bordeaux Wine Experience. Ronald has such a wealth of knowledge on Bordeaux wine and the...

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  • Julie and Peter Hutt

    We had the trip of a lifetime! Thank you for sharing your chateau, knowledge and friendship with us. From Texas to...

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  • David Friedberg

    Thank you so much for inviting me into your chateau for a perfect week. All of my expectations have been fulfilled....

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  • Laura and Edward (E.J.) Wong

    Thank you both so much for a wonderful week! This has been an experience unlike we could have had with anyone...

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  • Kathryn O’Connor and Paul Potvin

    Thank you so much for a remarkable Bordeaux Wine Experience. Every moment was filled with fun and interesting anecdotes. Your knowledge...

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  • Wayne Moriarty

    Thank you for opening up your wonderful home (chateau) to our group. We shared a wonderful experience that has built and...

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  • Susan McLaughlin

    What an amazing experience. The perfect combination of luxury staying at a 1790 Chateau with every whish met by our king...

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  • Nikolas and Kira Novak

    We really appreciate your hospitality, the great time we had and the unforgettable experience. Such experience is not an easy thing...

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  • Elaine and Larry Winer

    What a wonderful experience! I leave Bordeaux with a great understanding of wine and food. Your knowledge and warmth have been...

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  • Kay and TJ Waud 2

    Thank you so much for inviting and hosting us at your lovely home. We truly appreciate everything you do for us...

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  • Peter Clark and Miriam Cardinaletti 3

    Thank you for another wonderful wine adventure. We loved it! Fabulous wine, food, company and accommodation. We look forward to catch...

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  • Susan and Dominick Stanzione

    “2nd Time Around”. I cannot believe that we were able to come back and share this wonderful experience with our children. The...

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  • Christine and Billy Dicorcia

    Thank you so much for this spectacular experience and for welcoming us into your beautiful home! We feel so lucky to...

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  • Michael Stanzione

    I cannot thank you enough for the amazing and delicious experience. When our parents told us about this trip when they...

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  • Jim and Joyce Grandorf

    We didn’t think it could be better than the first time as that was terrific, but it has been. All in...

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  • Peter Reinthal and Cindy Stackhouse

    Thank you so much for a wonderful week at your home and Bordeaux. The food and the wine were exceeded only by...

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  • Isa and Max Diaz

    Thank you so much for a wonderful week. We learned and enjoyed the Bordeaux wines; it was a spectacular experience. Both...

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  • Danielle Stanzione

    Thank you for an amazing trip. I have learned so much about Bordeaux and the wonderful wines and food here. I...

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  • Laura and Rob Maley

    Thank you for making this a truly wonderful wine experience! We now have a better appreciation for fine Bordeaux wines and...

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  • Laurie and Bill Bachman

    We can’t even begin to express our gratitude for the phenomenal experience you provided for us. We had high expectations but...

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  • Greg Matsumoto and Carol West

    Words cannot describe the enjoyment we’ve experienced during our stay. We were honored by the extremely thoughtful hospitality you’ve shown us by...

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  • Bonnie and Jim Crego

    Thank you so much for your warmth and hospitality! We booked the trip with very high expectations –and you have exceeded...

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  • Bill and Carol Slaughter

    What a wonderful experience! Your hospitality mede us feel like a member of the Bordeaux community for a week. The chance...

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  • Leon and Suzanne

    We thought we were coming to Bordeaux to taste wine and experience a bit of the charm of the French countryside....

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  • Kira and Nicolas Sulima

    Thank you a lot for life feeling, charming environment and outstanding experience. Thank you for being so generous to share with...

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  • Prue and Ross Manners

    It has been a marvellous tour for Ross and I. We both enjoyed ourselves even more than the first time (!)...

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  • Nancy Browne and Brewster Gillett

    The Bordeaux Wine Experience is truly a marvelous experience indeed! Your hospitality has been amazing over this week of wine, food and...

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  • Al and Nancy Matt

    Exceeded our expectations. Again our Bordeaux Experience was outstanding, exceptional and very special. Thank you so very much for these memories. Fondly,...

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  • Dana and Garry Simpler

    Garry and I thoroughly enjoyed our Bordeaux Experience. Like many guests before us we were instantly taken in with your warmth...

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  • Kristin and Darren Necochea

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful and unique visit to Bordeaux. Ronald, your knowledge, enthusiasm, and fantastic storytelling ability have...

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  • Pratima, PK, Debu and Terrance

    Let me start by saying: Thank you, thank you for such warm and friendly hospitality. We have enjoyed every minute of it....

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  • Heather Molina

    Merci for what turned out to be an experience that far exceeded my expectations. You have shown me the repeated trips...

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  • Filipe and Anna Martinez

    We have been curiously waiting for this trip since December when Felipe offered it to me at Christmas. He knows how...

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  • Scott and Sandy Marshall

    To the quintessential host and hostess – Ronald and Margaret. We thank you both so much for the fantastic experience this...

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  • Janine Gilmour and Allan Hilless

    Thank you both for a most wonderful, entertaining, educational and fun week of wine appreciation, drinking and enjoying wine and gourmet food...

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  • Mike Bowlin

    To my new friends Margaret and Ronald. Your tour was beyond spectacular. Casual elegance with fantastic food, education and vast  views...

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  • Tom and Sue Gideon

    How do we begin to express one of the most wonderful weeks that we have experienced? Everything exceeded our expectations… the wine,...

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  • Steve Samuels

    This week with you has been a fabulous thrill for me thanks entirely to you both. How fortunate I was to...

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  • Sandra and Mauro Casci

    Thank you for an enjoyable and educational vacation. While Ronald accompanies us, we know that Margaret spent many hours helping organize everything....

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  • Mike and Sally Reiss

    Words are difficult to come by to describe our gratitude and admiration for your hospitality and generosity. The magic of Bordeaux...

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  • Lu and Jack Morris

    Truly a great opportunity to feel, breath, taste and drink-in a full spectrum of delights of Bordeaux, including the pleasure of...

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  • Ralph and Rhonda Maxwell

    Ralph and I have enjoyed our time with you here with you at your lovely chateau. From the moment we were...

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  • The Chittasenee family

    It has been a fantastic week for all four of us. I have never seen my Dad being this happy for...

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  • Kirk and Jane Grimm

    Thank you so much for a wonderful week. You are charming hosts. You have opened your home to us in the...

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  • Caryn and Steve Silver

    Words cannot express our deep appreciation and thanks for such a unique and outstanding week. Everything was truly superb: obviously the wine...

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  • René Jaime

    hank you very much for sharing your beautiful home and showing such great hospitality. This tour it has been a wonderful...

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  • Don and Mary Hawley

    Oh, where to begin… I expected we would have a great time and experience the Bordeaux. We honestly cannot put into...

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  • Steve O’Neill

    Summaries are hard to write. So much happened, so much learned, such an experience. I did not know what to expect...

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  • Matt Hawley

    Great wine is meant to be shared with great people, and indeed that is what we did this week! Your gracious...

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  • Izzy Hernandez

    I want to thank you so much for a most fantastic time and experience of my lifetime. I will never forget...

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  • Harold Chiat and Laurel Chiat

    Host and hostess second to none. Thank you for sharing your home and knowledge of wine and food with us. This was...

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  • Haley Howell

    I feel so lucky and fortunate to have been able to join the Hawley’s to your beautiful chateau. You have been...

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  • Barbara and Bob Burrill

    Your wonderful tour of Bordeaux taught us to enjoy, appreciate and respect the wines and its makers. Thank you for your...

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  • Bill and Sherri Morrison

    What a wonderful time we had this week. Touring Bordeaux for the first time, drinking wonderful wine and sharing fabulous food...

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  • Michael and Amy Mertens

    What a wonderful education in Bordeaux! The 10 pounds extra that I will bring home is a testament of the exceptional...

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  • Kim Chaney

    Thank you for a great visit to Bordeaux. It exceeded every expectation! I can’t wait for the Alumni Tour! Kim Chaney...

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  • Tony and Janet Sabatino

    Thank you for yet “another” great experience. We had a special time with our boys this time! All the best! Tony...

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  • Anthony and Joe Sabatino

    Our folks have had the most amazing time 3 years ago and we have been looking forward to this trip for...

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  • Ginny and Troy Edens

    What a beautiful time you’ve shared with us! The knowledge we have gained and the memories we have made will be...

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  • Anita and Max Wasinger

    We feel we’ve made two new friends in Bordeaux! We’ve felt so very comfortable and contend the entire week. What an...

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  • Jan and Bill Murray

    Thank you for an amazing time. The tour exceeded our expectations in both the food and the wine. The tours to...

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  • Richie and Debbie McNaught

    Thank you for an amazing and fun week! You have made us feel so welcome. We hope to return one day...

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  • Gavin and Sue Laws

    Thank you for an amazing experience in every way. We loved the wine, food, countryside and of course your hospitality. It...

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  • Sandy and Don Goodman

    Impossible –Oui? Non!- Absolutely the second time was even better than the first. Cooking with each of you was so much...

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  • Jim and Kathy Panepinto

    Our second visit to your lovely home was as memorable as our first visit in 2008! Margaret’s new kitchen is spectacular...

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  • Dale and Willa Holmer

    Again it has been a joy to experience what Bordeaux has to offer –thanks to you. The wine, the food and...

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  • Lou and Marcella Pellicano

    Thank you for making us so feel like family. We enjoyed ourselves and learned so many new things. Thank you so...

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  • Sandy and Al Mills

    So good to be back again and to be welcomed into your home! We look forward to be back soon! Sandy...

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  • Carol and Wayne Tamarelli

    It is our last evening in Bordeaux, visiting with all our new friends in your lovely home! Your hospitality, knowledge, experience,...

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  • Samara and Ralph Wexler

    This week has been everything we would have hoped for and more! If Michelin rated tours, you would certainly earn three...

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  • Thomas and Ingeborg Girgensohn

    Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful chateau with us. We very much appreciated your gracious hospitality. Ronald, your wine expertise...

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  • Barbara and Thomas van Egeren

    We both really enjoyed our time with you. The experience and the knowledge that we gained would not have been possible without...

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  • Stephanie and David Berger

    Thank you for your hospitality and offering such a wonderful experience. We truly enjoyed our time here and learning more about...

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  • Laurie and Bill Bachman

    Once again you have excelled all of our expectations. We already look forward to our return in 2016 and we will...

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  • Mike and Sally Reiss

    Words are difficult to come by to describe our gratitude and admiration for your hospitality and generosity. The magic of Bordeaux...

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  • Karen and Eric Bluemke

    I knew this was going to be a great experience and still you exceeded my expectations in every way! Thank you...

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  • Danielle and Loretta Newberry

    We would like to thank you for a truly eye-opening experience! Your priceless insights into Bordeaux, its wines, cuisine and culture are...

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  • Lisa Seigel

    It is hard to express my appreciation into creating such an extraordinary experience! It was more than Margaret’s warmth and hospitality and...

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  • Dana Logan and Greg O’Connor

    It is hard to express our great appreciation for the hospitality and education you have shown us during our week in Bordeaux....

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  • Joe Billadello and Guadeloupe Sanchez

    We had a wonderful time and felt welcome from the minute the taxi dropped us off until we left. Couldn’t imagine...

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  • Brent and Lisbeth Thornley

    How does one adequately express the wonder of this week? The people, the chateaux, the wineries, the personal touch that surrounded each...

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  • Allan Hilless and Janine Gilmour

    So where do we begin to express our thanks for our Second Bordeaux Wine Experience? The pleasure never gets less and your...

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  • Fran and Nancy Brown

    What a great week we’ve had! Great wines, great food, great company and wonderful hosts. An absolutely terrific way to spend...

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  • Katrina Sheckelford

    It has been such an incredible week of wine food and fun! Thank you for welcoming us into your wonderful home...

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  • Jim and Gearty Alyward

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: if you are doing something, find the very best way. Well, we did find it here in...

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  • Meryl and Josh Gindin

    From the moment we arrived, we felt at home. Your gracious hospitality, the depth of your knowledge about wine and food...

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  • Paige and Andy Andrews

    Being from the southern US we think we know hospitality and you have displayed that in spades! We have learned so...

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  • John and Trudy McDermott

    What a beautiful trip this was. A wonderful wine experience! Most of all we were treated like friends. And we met...

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  • Steve and Danielle Coper

    What a great week we’ve had! Your home is so beautiful and welcoming. We enjoyed every minute, met many new friends...

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  • Murdoch Riley

    I have so enjoyed my stay this week. I just loved the wonderful hospitality that you have given me, the outstanding...

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  • Carol and Peter Clarke

    We came blind and ever so gradually we saw; more than we tasted and even learned. Thank you so much for...

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  • Mike and Mikie Bolliger

    Thank you both for sharing your home and being so warm and friendly to all of us. This trip was a...

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  • Adam and Adriana Tedman

    Thank you for an amazing week in Bordeaux. It truly surpassed all of our expectations. A once in a lifetime experience...

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  • Jenny and Paul Simpson

    We highly appreciate opening your wonderful home to us and sharing and imparting your extensive knowledge of food and wine. The...

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  • Mary and Rich Pytelewski

    You have given us a feeling of sharing your home and Bordeaux that far exceeded our expectations. A tribute to your...

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  • Liza Gershman

    I truly cannot thank you enough for this incredible experience. Your home is a dream and your warmth and hospitality are...

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  • Ozlem Futman & Cihan Yamaner and Orhan & Esin Cakir

    Thank you so much for your hospitality. It was wonderful to share with you this past week full with Bordeaux wines...

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  • Jim and Diann Gross

    Thank you for another wonderful week in your lovely chateau. Our first visit felt like a once in a lifetime experience...

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  • Barbara and Tom van Egeren

    Thank you for yet another week in paradise! It is such a pleasure for us to visit your lovely home. Thank...

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  • Steve and Wendy Daknis

    Another wonderful week in your fabulous home. We will recall Bordeaux fondly, but mostly because of your hospitality. You have a...

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  • Jim and Lana Schuessler

    Thank you so much Ronald and Margaret. You are great hosts and your home is beautiful. Enjoyed our times here. I...

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  • Keith and Terri Paglush

    What a week with both of you! You are gracious hosts and have taken such great care of us while we...

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  • Paul and Amy Lichlyter

    In spite of the fact that we do these events regularly, we were so impressed by the energy and attention to...

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  • Lesley and Phil Stratford

    Our group was somewhat closed on the first meeting but by the end of the first meeting we had opened well....

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  • Joe and Mary Stout

    Thank you for an excellent week. This was very enjoyable and you are very gracious hosts. Above all this week was...

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  • Rich and Cookie Corbin

    It’s been a pleasure beyond words to share your beautiful chateau and life-style. The only real thanks that I “Cookie” can...

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  • Rich and Helen Stratford

    Thank you for sharing your home, your wine and your friendship. It was a great Bordeaux Wine Experience.Sincere thanks Rich and...

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  • Tammy and Mark Gersman

    We see why Bill and Laurie have enjoyed this adventure three times. It has been a magical week in Bordeaux. From...

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  • Jeanette and Arnold Hanfling

    Words cannot express how wonderful this week has been. Ronald your passion for wine and for teaching us is incomparable. Margaret you...

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  • Laurie and Bill Bachman

    Once again you have exceeded our expectations. Although this is our third time with you, our experience has been even more...

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  • Wayne Holliday

    Thank you for providing the most wonderful wine tour experience. Certainly each day was different and interesting in every respect. Absolutely...

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  • Gina and Midge Brown

    It has been an amazing week. Five days for the five First Growths and still we managed Yquem, Saint Emilion and...

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  • Amanda and Steve Cottrell

    You exceeded our expectations! Your humor was a great compliment to the great wines that we were all able to taste...

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  • Dennis and Pat Enright

    Thank you for such an amazing experience, for sharing your home with us, providing special food for me and introducing us...

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  • Rhonda and Peter Cacioppo

    The experience we had was tremendous. The restaurants and chateaux were exceptional! What we had not expected were your great stories...

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  • Lyle Kerr and Valerie Millen

    Thanks again for the wonderful week in Bordeaux. The lunches were the highlights for us and the wines weren’t bad either....

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  • Kazi and Lee Alward

    Our second trip to your beautiful chateau was even better than the first. The cooking class added a lot to the...

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  • Bonnie and Jim Crego

    What can we say? This is our second visit but we feel like we are visiting old friends! What you offer...

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  • J. and Debby Nelson

    Thank you so much for being such incredible hosts, mentors, guides and most importantly, friends. The only word I can use...

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  • Leon Hulon

    It is hard to express my appreciation for all that went into creating such an extraordinary experience! It was more than...

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  • Ron and Chris Sorkness

    Many thanks for your glorious hospitality, sharing your home and the experience of Bordeaux. We thoroughly enjoyed our time here immersing...

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  • Jeff Goodman and Connie Hart

    We very much appreciate your warm and wonderful hospitality. Margaret we love your kindness and graciousness. Ronald….. we especially enjoy your...

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  • Rebecca Davis

    Thank you for being such gracious hosts. You have given us such an unforgettable introduction to Bordeaux and all of the...

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  • Alex Dyer and Jackie Fernandez

    Experience is an understatement! Thank you for taking us on the trip of a lifetime. The wines, chateaus, and most of...

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  • Jim Jack and Jeanine Kennedy

    This has been a magnificent trip. You are a fabulous guide and hostess. We had a wonderful time. Your wine tastings...

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  • Alexia and Jerry Jurschak

    What a time we had! We’ve always wanted to have a true Bordeaux Wine Experience and thanks to you both, we...

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  • Bill Myers

    Many thanks to you both for this chapter in my life. An experience I will always remember. It was indeed a...

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  • Mary Jo Ward

    You have shared with us the experience of a lifetime. We have thoroughly enjoyed our expeditions, our lessons, the kind people...

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  • Abbey Dyer and David Graff

    We are so privileged to have joined you on this Bordeaux Wine Tour. Thank you for both sharing your love for...

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  • Glenn and Trish Croxson

    What a delightful stay. 5 days of packed entertainment, information, fun, new friends and of course wine. Ronald, I will always...

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  • Suzan Runne

    You have made us part of a generous, warm and convivial lifestyle and I am grateful that you opened your door...

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  • Barry and Malca Reznick

    It has been a true pleasure to meet you both. Barry and I want to thank you for opening your home...

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  • Cindy and Dave Bright

    You have mastered the art of making strangers feel so very welcome. I thank you for an experience we will treasure...

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  • Dale and Willa Holmer 17

    Kuddos for another great wine experience. Each time we have more admiration for your hospitality and warmth. And, perhaps there will...

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  • Vivian and Herb Sutherland

    We thank you for a lovely week in Bordeaux. We had a wonderful time and learned quite a lot about some...

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  • Victor and Jordan Chang

    Thank you for an amazing time in Bordeaux! Truly a splendid trip! Your chateau is simply stunning. You both are so...

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  • Susie and John Sidwell

    It has been a truly marvelous experience. We thank you both for your wonderful hospitality. Everything was so perfect and we...

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  • Angelo and Gayla Fili & Kathryn Ballobin and Austin Filli

    To offer an experience as great as you have chosen to do, reminds me of so many people in history who...

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  • Lisbeth and Brent Thornley

    Nine months ago I was at this table fighting back tears as I tried to write about our wonderful week with...

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  • Patty and Bill Giannopoulos

    We have had such a pleasure of meeting you both and experiencing Bordeaux in such a classy way. We enjoyed all...

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  • Deb and Bob Gale

    Thank you for the experience of a lifetime! We both have learned so much about Bordeaux and fine wine. The fabulous...

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  • Vikki Moore and Alex Messina

    We had hoped to experience an unorthodox introduction to a region we have long loved from a distance. What we didn’t...

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  • Joyce and Sandy Russel

    For several years I put off Joyce’s urging to join one of your small Bordeaux group tours. My mistake! The two...

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  • Richard Clegg and Anna Rizova

    It has been such a privilege joining you again at your beautiful home. Thank you so much for your generosity, grace...

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  • Joan and Dick Caparso and Marie Limoges

    No words to describe this wonderful experience. Margaret your hospitality, being up with us each morning, and Ronald, your truly entertaining...

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  • Sherri and Bill Morrison

    What a wonderful time we had with once again. Your lovely home and gracious hospitality is truly special! Many fond memories...

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  • Mark and Tammy Gersman

    Thank you both for your wonderful hospitality and for opening your beautiful chateau to us. It was a wonderful week –delicious...

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  • Allan Hilless and Janine Gilmour

    A very outstanding visit again, we never tire of this region. An outstanding cooking experience with the cooking class. Very outstanding...

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  • Fran and Nancy Brown

    In vino veritas! The repeat was every bit as lovely as our initial visit. Good company, good food, (almost always) good...

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  • Lowell Silberstein

    This was truly an amazing experience. I learned a lot about the Bordeaux region and had many laughs –Ronald is a...

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  • Carol and Wayne Tamarelli

    What a wonderful time for us this second visit with you. Everything starting with all the guests, wine, food, history, conversations...

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  • Laurie and Bill Bachman

    Thank you so much for yet another wonderful Bordeaux Wine Experience. While this is our fourth visit with you, we appreciate...

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  • Jeff Krauss

    I came here to taste great Bordeaux wines and you haven’t failed me. But most noteworthy the wines from Ronald’s cellar...

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  • Val McKeegan and Roland Smith

    We just wanted to say: “thank you” for the wonderful holiday –the visits were superb, the wines glorious and the organization...

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  • Jill and Ian Winter

    What a pleasure to return to your chateau. We have enjoyed this second Bordeaux Wine Experience even more as we have...

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  • Karen and David Jachter

    The week spent with you exceeded all expectations (including how much Bordeaux wine we would buy). The chateaus, the food, the...

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  • Mary Menor

    These past few days have been the most, well one of the most wonderful experiences I had for a while. I...

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  • Anita and Prabha Sinha

    This has been a truly magnificent warm and unique experience. We thought we were coming to learn about wines and taste...

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  • Tom and Patti Scavelli

    Your hospitality was exceptional. The food and the wine and the wine education were outstanding. Great memories for both of us. Patti...

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  • Lakshman and Geeta Krishnamurthi

    You are gracious, warm and wonderful hosts. You have a lovely home, well, not just a home but a chateau no...

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  • Mickey and Ubolrat

    Thank you so much for such a wonderful trip! Appreciate all your help and allowing us to be welcome in your...

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  • Paisal Rummaneethorn (M)

    I am Dr. Paisal Rummaneethorn. I am very impressed by the Bordeaux Grand Cru Harvest Tour. I loved the cooking class....

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  • The Chittasenee party

    It has been a great pleasure to be back here for our second time. Obviously, we already new what we were...

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  • Teddi Clemens (R)

    What a wonderful experience, from start to finish so many memories. Teddi Clemens Las Vegas, NV, USA (The 2018 Bordeaux Grand Cru...

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  • Nancy Whitman

    Just what I planned on. Awesome wine and food. Loved the oldies. You both were marvelous hosts. Nancy Whitman Boston, MA,...

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  • Linda Larsen (M)

    I want to thank you for such a wonderful experience. I learned so much about Bordeaux wines! I especially enjoyed meeting...

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  • Harlan and Kay Braaten

    I’m sure it would have taken many years to accomplish what we have experienced in 6 days. We had a great...

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  • John and Carolyn Glaser

    Thank you for a wonderful and memorable Bordeaux Experience. The venture was one that we had looked forward to for many...

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  • Brad and Cathy Ritch

    The dining and wine experiences were all memorable. Loved the lunch at the chateau and the wonderful visit to Yquem. Looking...

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  • Lois Widell

    Thank you so much for a wonderful experience. I have learned so much about winetasting; differentiating the various wines. It’s been...

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  • Joe and Joan Heater

    Any accolades you receive for the Bordeaux Wine Experience are truly deserved.  Even if it wasn’t our 50th Anniversary, the memory of...

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  • Don and Kathy Zandstra

    Thank you for a lovely week. Your wine expertise, hospitality and property were over the top! Don and I had a...

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  • Joann and Erik Witcher

    Our expectations were high and you have exceeded them. It was more than a tour. You welcomed us into your home....

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  • Ron and Kathy Gillaspie

    Thank you so much for an awesome Bordeaux Wine Experience. It was certainly a trip of a lifetime. We feel so...

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  • Ammie and Dave Naples

    The last five days have been as magical as the five First Growths of Bordeaux!!! We cannot thank the Internet lords...

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  • Tracy and Bob Fisher

    Tracy and I cannot begin to thank you for your warm and wonderful hospitality. The Bordeaux Wine Experience has been a...

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  • Nancy and Bill Harvie

    What a wonderful, unique experience! We came to the Bordeaux Wine Experience not quite sure what to expect and it has...

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  • Rocky Draper and Gail Breen

    Gail wanted to go wine tasting in France. I said of course, sure, let’s go, but a few neurons in my...

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  • Peter and Suzanne Caparso

    A famous quote attributed to the Dalai Lama says, “a thousand candles can be lighted from a single candle and the...

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  • Jennie Bentz

    C’est magnifique! Margaret and Ronald I am truly grateful and amazed by your kindness, hospitality, generosity, sense of humor, expertise and...

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  • Rebecca and John Weidner

    Thank you for the welcome to your lovely chateau. A lot of fun days and many wonderful memories for our 52nd...

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  • Ane Ipsen and Wayne Small

    This was our second visit and it was even better than the first. Good company, great wine and delicious meals! We...

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  • Paul Weisberg

    Thank you so very much for an amazing week. It far exceeded even my very high expectations. Your kindness, generosity, humor,...

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  • Peter Clark and Miriam Cardinaletti

    Thank you for a wonderful adventure around Bordeaux, Graves and Saint Emilion. Fabulous food, wine and hospitality. We look forward to...

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  • Leonard and Kristi Gorsuch

    To the consummate hosts, the trip has been both elegant and swift. Everything from lodging, food and wine has all been...

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  • Lisbeth and Brent Thornley

    There is an English adage that says: “The third time’s a charm.” However the first and the second times for us...

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  • John and Trudy McDermott

    What a wonderful time we had with you and the other guests. Our second visit was even more special than our...

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  • Patsy, Alan and Jonathan Dorris

    Thank you so much for opening your home to us and showing us a lovely time around Bordeaux. Everything has exceeded...

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  • Kate McMahon and Neil O’Connor

    Merci beaucoup for a lovely week at your chateau! We learned a lot about the wines and enjoyed some rather elegant...

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  • Marcy and Harry Harczak

    Merci beaucoup for your incredible hospitality and opening your chateau to our friends and us. This trip allowed us to experience...

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  • Nancy and Jon Stevens

    Thank you for opening your chateau to us. It has been a fantastic week exploring wines, food and beautiful Bordeaux. We...

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  • Beth Cooper and Lew Lefer Bradenton

    Beth and I greatly appreciate your gracious hospitality plus your sharing your time, energy, friendship and knowledge of Bordeaux wines and...

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  • Greg and Rachel Stout

    What a great trip! We loved every minute. The food and wine were simply amazing. But the best part: the two...

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  • Rosemary and Jim Kearney

    You have made our first week in France more memorable than imagined. The food, Ronald’s stories, your beautiful home are beyond...

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  • Kay and TJ Waud

    We had an amazing week at your chateau. Everything, including the smallest details was planned and executed to perfection. Thank you...

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  • Bruce Gurewitz

    When my son Jeremy told me 6 months ago about this tour, I didn’t know what to expect. It has been...

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  • Jeremy Gurewitz

    The planning for this trip came after an extremely difficult time in my life: the passing of my mom. The goal...

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  • Brianna Mariolle

    Merci beaucoup pour un très bien vacance. It has been wonderful from start to finish. I am very appreciative of the...

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  • Leeda and Ralph Fletcher

    Thank you so much for a wonderful week. We loved it and we loved the wine. Leeda and Ralph Fletcher Mount...

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  • Drummond and Alexandra McCunn

    We have greatly appreciated both of you in sharing with us this special experience. Thank you for opening your chateau to...

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  • Pam Roberto and Kelly Johnson

    We can’t thank you enough for the wonderful experience we had with you this week. Every minute of this trip has...

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  • Jim and Virginia Moir

    Thank you so much for the wonderful experience and memories. Jim and I had so much fun and a great time....

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  • Eddie and Maggie Chang

    There are no words to adequately express to you how special this week has been for Eddie and me. To be...

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  • Andy and Pam Acquarulo

    Thank you for a wonderful experience. Pam and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary and what wonderful memories we made. Your...

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  • Laura and Rick Fergerson

    The wine experience was beyond description. Laura and I appreciate all the work that went into delivering a journey through the...

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  • Laura and Michael Tepper

    Our expectations for this trip of a lifetime were not only met, but exceeded! The food, the wine and you guys...

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  • Jay Norwood and Liz La Manna

    Hard to believe the lifetime of experience crammed into a week. Wine, food, friends, classifications, terroirs, Left Bank, Right Bank and...

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  • Kevin and Wendy Luttrell

    Thank you so much for sharing your home and life with Wendy and myself. It has been an absolutely fantastic week...

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  • Michelle and Richard Cuomo

    We booked this trip to France a year and a half in advance. We had high expectations and we were not...

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  • Meg Kessler and Garry Finney

    It has often been said that expectations lead to disappointment. Meg and I did allow ourselves to have great expectations for...

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  • Kelly Johnson

    Thank you so much for another fabulous week in Bordeaux! Your hospitality, warmth and genuine friendship is something I will always...

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  • Donna and Jim Schaefer

    We can’t imagine a more wonderful time with both of you as our hosts. Everything was just fabulous, and we will...

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  • Heather and Matt O’Reilly

    Thank you for your warm welcome, hospitality and knowledge. The tour was amazing, informative and very tasty! We wish you all...

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  • Margaret Robbins

    Thank you for making my stay here in Bordeaux a marvelous experience from beginning to end. You assembled a great group...

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  • Amy and Chuck Dietrich

    Thank you for opening your lovely home to us. Your warm hospitality made the trip so special for us. This was...

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  • Pam Roberto

    Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and many great memories made on this tour. The chateaux, wines and insightful commentary...

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  • Debbie and John Benson

    Your Bordeaux Experience was truly an experience of a lifetime! From the warm welcome when we arrived, the beautiful flowers in...

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  • Linda and Terry Martin

    Every promise you made came true! We had heard how fun these tours were, but experience this was a true rare...

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  • Rick and Kathy Doering

    Thank you so much for an incredible week and experience. The wine tasting was a great start. We thought we knew...

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  • Satacey Chin and Justin Liv

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a lovely week and a wonderful experience. We learned so much and enjoyed...

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  • Dan and Diane Koellen

    We can’t thank you enough for a wonderful vacation. We loved the experience in Bordeaux, and you are both amazing hosts....

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  • Liz Battaglia

    This was an experience I’ll always remember! Thank you for taking such good care of us and for all of the...

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  • John and Celeste Chin

    I cannot express my appreciation for the hospitality and expertise that you both have exhibited for all of us. I initially...

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  • Dave and Cindy Crawford

    How impressive this week has been! Dave and I feel as if we have made new friends with the entire cast...

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  • Lillie Echevarria

    My 2nd trip to memorable Bordeaux, and you both made my visit epical. Thank you for the hospitality, the great itinerary,...

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  • Mark and Judith DaSilva

    Thank you so much for the generosity of grace you’ve shown us this week. We never expected to feel so welcome...

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  • Michael and Marcia Muzinich

    Michael & I can’t begin to express our appreciation for the hospitality that you gave us. The education was unbelievable. Everyday...

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  • Lindsay & Mark Gray

    What a fantastic trip you two have made for all of us her this week in Bordeaux! It’s really been a...

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  • Rick and Laura Fergerson

    Our second visit far from disappointed us!! We had such a wonderful visit, and it was so awesome to see you...

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  • Kathie and Jim Panepinto

    Maybe the 3rd time’s a charm? For sure it has been as exciting and surprising an experience as ever. You two...

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  • Miranda Franco

    You gave such a warm reception. Thank you for opening your beautiful home (and cellar) and curating an unforgettable experience. Your...

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  • Lisa and Jerry Bernard

    You are both so hospitable, welcoming us into your home, wine world, and hearts. We thoroughly enjoyed time in the bus...

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  • Larry Martin and Natalia Lanteigne

    Thank you for organizing and hosting the most amazing trip for us! The last five days were filled with laughter, great...

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  • Jason and Christine Holmes

    So happy that we had the opportunity to return to the Bordeaux Wine Experience this year. We knew it would be...

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  • Daniel Bernard

    Thank you for a lovely experience exploring amazing wines and enjoying the company of others. That’s what wine drinking is all...

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  • Adrian Yee and Jamie Huang

    Your company’s name says it all! What an incredible experience this has been! I had pretty high expectations after reading the...

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  • Pam Roberto 3

    It is so wonderful to see you both again. Thank you for making my third tour as magnificent and special as...

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  • Abigail and Patrick Mullaney

    Incredible, unbelievable, beyond our expectations! The two of you made for a very special family vacation/experience. We feel so lucky that...

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  • Mary Kate and Jordan Fulghum

    Thank you for the wonderful introduction to Bordeaux wines. Each and every day we were constantly awed and delighted by the...

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  • Molly and Ben Freeman

    We can’t thank you enough for one of the most unique and amazing weeks we have experienced! Every day was somehow...

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  • Susan and Ryan Mullaney

    Thank you for an incredible week in your beautiful home. Every aspect was wonderful from the fabulous cooking class to the...

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  • Gord Andrews

    Words fail me! I can’t begin to tell you how much I have LOVED this week. It has truly exceeded all...

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  • Pam and Kevin Hicks

    What a wonderful time! Beautiful surroundings, exceptional hospitality, delicious food at the chateaux and fine restaurants, and wine, wine, wine! Kevin...

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  • Paul and Lori Hines

    Paul and I were so disappointed when the 2020 tours couldn’t go ahead, but it was so worth the wait. Thank...

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  • Micheline Csenki

    Merci beaucoup, thank you very much for a beautiful wine holiday. You both made me feel like family. It is a...

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  • Shawn and Darren Selsky

    Darren and I are so grateful to you for giving us such beautiful memories. This trip has inspired us to continue...

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  • Chris and Ron Sorkness

    Thanks for having us back to you at the chateau. It was simply fabulous, as are you both. We all me...

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  • Charles Foulkes and Jack Kane

    Sometimes in life you cross paths with a fellow spirit of warmth and grace, generosity, and sincerity. It has been such...

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  • Jim and Virgie Moir

    Thank you very much for another wonderful and amazing 2022 Wine Experience. We wish to see you again in the future,...

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  • Mary Lou and Joe Parisi

    You never disappoint! I was so happy to return and share your wonderful home and Bordeaux Experience with Mary Lou. I...

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  • Chris and Erin Toher

    Thank you so much for our fabulous tour! Your hospitality and humor have been some of the highlights. The fantastic tours...

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  • Leonard Bullock

    What a wonderful experience you both provided to us all! Wonderful wines, cuisine, and fellowship. I hope to be able to...

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  • John and Anette Pak

    So much good food -so much good wine -such good hospitality! We will forever remember this trip. You can’t make this...

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  • Nancy Davidson

    We had such a wonderful week. A truly amazing experience: every little detail taken care of. And to open your home...

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  • Lynn and Dave Clark

    The past week has been a truly remarkable experience. We enjoyed so much the tours of the vineyards and seeing the...

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  • Leslie and Brian Morris

    We like to say: “Remember that time…?” Now we can say: remember that time you were in Bordeaux and opened your...

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  • The Gazit family

    We came here to Bordeaux the 4 of us; our father and us, the 3 children. For my brother, sister, and...

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  • Todd Siegler

    As much as one can look forward to an incredible experience like this, there was nothing that could prepare me for...

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  • Andras Fanfeiro Babero

    It has been a pleasure to be on a tour with you. I do not know which was better, my experience...

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  • Peter and Sandra Phillips

    What phenomenal events you squeezed in such a short time. It was a wonderful, incredible, and fantastic Bordeaux Wine Experience!!! Thank...

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  • Bob Siegler

    Wow! What an experience this week has been. One I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Your deep knowledge of...

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  • Kate and Bill Marks

    Our week with you has been a wine lover’s dream and a gastronomic extravaganza! You are both gracious, generous, and kind...

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  • Anton and Beth Engelmann

    Simply amazing! We knew this experience would be incredible, however you both made it magical! Your warm, down-to-earth, inviting hospitality is...

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  • Clay Snear

    Most memorable trip! Great hosts, well planned and unforgettable visits. Not to say the least, but it was truly an experience...

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  • Phil and Carol Moody

    We have been waiting with anticipation for this trip for quite some time and this week has been truly a wine,...

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  • Dakin and Gary Dubroc

    Thank you for the experience of a lifetime. We were able to see, do, and taste things we would never have...

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  • Ron Sharp and Carol Hess

    Thank you for your hospitality. Your extensive knowledge of the history of wines, Bordeaux, art, and non-stop laughs. The food at...

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  • John and Shari Ellsworth

    We want to thank you warmth, kindness, generosity, and beautiful hospitality! We felt quite pampered during our stay with you at...

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  • Arlene and Mike Yax

    This has been the most memorable experience for us. Not only was the hospitality and surroundings awesome, but we also actually...

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  • Scott and Sue Brodie

    We were so happy to come back to your wonderful chateau and Tour. You are the most gracious hosts! We loved...

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  • Paul and Sue Skowronski

    Thank you for opening your home to us. Your hospitality was outstanding! Our memories will last a lifetime. Paul and Sue...

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  • Matt Quigley

    A terrific exposure to Bordeaux in a beautiful setting with obliging hosts. Thanks Ronald and Margaret, Matt Quigley Pittsburg, PA, USA...

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  • Jennifer and Maurice Murray

    Thank you for a memorable week! The tastings and education have been top-notch. The memories will last a lifetime! Thank you...

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  • Louis and Marissa Wharton

    Thank you for a wonderful week of food, wine, and education. This has been an unforgettable Bordeaux Wine EXPERIENCE! We hope...

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  • Karen and George Ford

    Finally, we made it here after four tough years and you have more than met our expectations. Our room was fabulous...

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  • Bill and Lauren Zeid

    Thank you again for a wonderful week. It was great to return after 16 years, and it exceeded expectations. The wines...

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  • Laura Phillips and Jared Cornfield

    There is little to add to the other superlatives. We have had so many great laughs and learned so much this...

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  • Mark and Gigi deBlois

    We did not know what to expect -and could not have imagined this most marvelous time with all our friends …and...

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  • Jim and Kaki Nelson

    Jim and I have learned so much this week; have totally your very warm French (Dutch!) hospitality; have eaten like royals...

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  • Mark and Ethnie Jones

    Your warm hospitality and generous spirits have truly elevated this week from a Wine Experience to an absolutely wonderful and beautiful...

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  • Chris and Martha Young

    We cannot thank you enough for this incredible week of wine fun and hospitality. We cannot imagine spending time in Bordeaux...

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  • Tom and Nancy McCandlish

    An amazing learning and tasting experience. A great experience of Left and Right Bank Bordeaux. Ronald and Margaret are great teachers...

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  • Miriam Cardinaletti and Peter Clark

    Once again, we had a wonderful holiday with you. Thank you for your kind hospitality. Sharing your knowledge of wine, of...

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  • Jane and Curt Smith

    We will definitely give this Experience 5 stars on TripAdvisor and Google. I would give 6 stars if that were possible! Thank...

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  • Robin and Kevin Daynes

    Thank you both for a most beautiful week! Your kindness, generosity and knowledge of the area is impressive. You’ve opened our...

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  • Doug and Carol Moore

    We had so many expectations before our trip. Knowledge, great food, and good company. All have been exceeded! Laughter is the...

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  • Rachael Klineberg

    This was a fantastic trip! Thank you for your wonderful hospitality and education. I have enjoyed staying in your wonderful home....

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  • Jeff and Ruth-Anne King

    No words can describe our thanks for your wonderful hospitality and fabulous experience. From the culinary experience to the visits and...

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  • Mary and Jim Teter

    The memories will stay with us forever. Thank you for a wonderful experience. Your kindness and easy manner made us feel...

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  • Shelly Selick, Elizabeth, and David Milam

    Thank you for welcoming us into your home. We very much enjoyed the time we spent with you. We learned so...

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  • Scott and Robyn Wilkes

    Robyn and I would like to thank you and the Bordeaux Wine Experience for an unforgettable (and educational) time at your...

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  • Kristen and Sandy Purcell

    Thank you so much for hosting us at your beautiful chateau! We thoroughly enjoyed our stay, and were enlightened on the...

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  • Judge Vic and Donna Cunningham

    Where to start? Your Bordeaux Experience was all that we imagined and more! Your chateau is beautiful and very welcoming. We...

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  • Todd and Laura Kulick

    This visit was (again) lovely. All wonderful: “La vie en rose” indeed! I already look forward to our next visit. We...

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  • Regina and Bob Montbach

    Thank you so much for opening your chateau to us for a very special Bordeaux Wine Experience. The week has seemed...

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  • Kevin McCarthy and Joan Hearing

    Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality. We truly enjoyed our week at your chateau. From the tour to your...

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  • Jenni Wright

    Thank you for inviting me into your beautiful home and sharing all your food and wine secrets. I am leaving with...

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  • Pam and Dick Fefferman

    What a beautiful Bordeaux Wine Experience you provided for us. Every detail was perfect, from the flowers in the room, charming...

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  • Terry Martin

    The words of a film reviewer come to mind as I reflect on our second visit here: Stunning! A masterful artistic...

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  • Linda Martin

    Hope to be included in the next Alumni week! Thank you so much for having us again. I think in many...

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  • Eric and Karen Bluemke

    Merci beaucoup pour ce rappel incroyable! It was even better than our first trip and it deepened our enjoyment and desire...

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  • Alicia Hirsch and Jesse Russo

    Thank you for allowing us to experience and share your passion. Getting up early was also another experience but it was...

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  • Micheline Csenki 2

    This tour was EXCEPTIONAL! The attention to details, your warm welcome makes this experience so unique. It’s like going to visit...

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  • Howard and Glennys Hocking

    Our friends Jill and Ian said we would have an amazing time with you. And it certainly has been better than...

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  • Kay and TJ Waud 2

    Thank you so much for inviting and hosting us at your lovely home. We truly appreciate everything you do for us...

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  • Michael and Diane Smolenski

    Thank you for a wonderful experience! I didn’t realize how little I knew about wine. Thank you for the education. You...

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  • Peter Clark and Miriam Cardinaletti 3

    Thank you for another wonderful wine adventure. We loved it! Fabulous wine, food, company and accommodation. We look forward to catch...

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  • Jim, Carol and Allison Litwak

    Thank you both for putting together a most wonderful experience. We learned a tremendous amount and more importantly, we made some...

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  • Greg Matsumoto and Carol West 2

    Thank you for welcoming us again in your beautiful chateau and showing us such amazing hospitality. It was wonderful to have...

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  • Susan Watts and Tomas Schramek

    Our experience was more that we could imagine. Such a beautifully curated week. We could not have organized this on our...

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  • Kelly Johnson 3

    This is my third entry in your guestbook and my sentiments are just as strong as the first time. You are...

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  • Randy Katz and Diane Klukach

    Our Bordeaux Wine Experience was fantastic! Great food, phenomenal wine, intriguing people and a beautiful property. We learned so much about...

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  • Jack Kane and Charles Foulkes 2

    Thank you so much for another amazing Bordeaux wine experience. Your gracious hospitality is warm, your knowledge Bordeaux and its wines...

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  • Pam Roberto 4

    Thanks for another amazing experience. It’s always your warmth, and hospitality that are unsurpassed. We had another exceptional week. Thank you...

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  • Steve and Amanda Cottrell 2

    Once again, an amazing experience! Beautiful wines and fabulous food. Fun people to enjoy wine together. We appreciate your enthusiasm and...

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    To decant or not to decant, that’s the question

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